Connections During COVID-19: Holidays in a Virtual Workplace

During this incredibly difficult year, almost everyone has been touched by COVID-19.  Loss, isolation and fear for the safety of others and for ourselves has marked a year none of us will soon forget.   The same care and concern that drives us to surround ourselves with loved ones, is the same care and concern keeping many of us away from them this holiday season. 

What are some tips to help our staff make it through the holidays during this difficult time?

  • Reach out to a coworker you haven’t talked to in awhile.  You’d be surprised how many people get their primary source of social interaction from work.  Letting your coworker know someone was thinking of them enough to take the time out of their day just to check on them can go a long way to help them feel less isolated.  Another great byproduct, you’ll likely feel a little more connected to the world, too.
  •  Ask staff to share one thing that makes you grateful.  During times of stress, our brains are wired to act more strongly to things that trouble us.  It’s that much harder to focus on the positive, and sometimes we could use a nudge.  Intentionally focusing on the positive helps us become more resilient to stress, and the impact can almost immediate. As staff begin to share what makes them grateful, those listening tend to recognize their appreciation for the same things.
These are just a couple of examples of  things you can do in just a few minutes that can make a world of difference. Happy Holidays, dear readers!  I wish you a safe and restorative holiday season.


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